Amnesty should complain to other nations, Dominican lawmaker says

Santo Domingo.- The deputy and presidential candidate of the minor pro-government coalition party FNP yesterday discarded Amnesty International’s complaint that undocumented Haitians are being repatriated en mass, an action he affirms only looks to pressure the Dominican Republic.
Pelegrín Castillo said it’s strange that the organization based in London hasn’t rebuked what he calls the international community’s carelessness and irresponsibility with the Haitian crises.
“When I see Amnesty International in that predicament denouncing the position of irresponsibility of a series of countries which must have a more serious commitment with Haiti, then I’m going to have some respect for that denunciation,” the lawmaker said.
He reiterated his call to bolster the checkpoints at the border, to halt the continued increased of undocumented Haitians in the country.
Castillo also denounced that Dominican consulates in Haiti are “massively” issuing visas. “Thousands and thousands of visas are being granted.”
The deputy for the National District added that Dominican consulates in the neighboring nation instead of applying a restrictive visa policy, do the opposite, providing the document to thousands of Haitians.