Santo Domingo Prosecutor turns talk into action, seizes dozens of guns

Santo Domingo.- The Prosecutor of Santo Domingo province went from talk to action when he headed the search for and confiscation of guns in bars, discos, billiard parlors and colmadones, in which an arsenal of weapons was seized.
Perfecto Acosta, accompanied by Assistant DAs, went to various businesses in the sectors Invivienda, San Luis, Los Mina, Villa Duarte and the town of Boca Chica, among others on the weekend, were guns slot machines and loudspeakers were seized.
In the sprawling barrio San Luis, the prosecutors were met with gunfire and hurled stones from some of the people as they entered the club Bonsoir.
Among the items confiscated figure 29 guns, 92 slot machines and 37 speakers, while previous operations netted 5 firearms.
Acosta, who in December vowed to implement the operation, said the confiscations seek to reduce violence to a minimum and prevent the exhibition of firearms in public.