“Indignant” Dominicans occupy Washington Bridge

NEW YORK. – Dozens of Dominicans who support the Occupy Wall Street movement against the transnational corporations mobilized Monday, partially occupying the Washington bridge at 181st St. and Amsterdam Avenue that the Upper Manhattan, and the link with the Bronx.
Newspaper El Nuevo Diario reports that the protesters, who started at the bridge’s incoming lanes, waved large signs and banners stating they are “indignant” with the United States and world’s economic situation, and were cheered on by hundreds of passers-by and motorists driving through the intersection.
The demonstrators also waving Dominican flags began arriving at the site before 5pm, drawing blasts from car horns in support, and although the organizers didn’t have a permit, the police didn’t intervene.
Among those present were District 10 councilwoman Ydanis Rodriguez, Rosita Romero, of the Dominican Women Development Center, Sussie Lozada of the New York Civic Participation Project, in addition to local political party leaders.