Informatics chief’s resignation stokes Electoral Board flap

Santo Domingo.- A Central Electoral Board (JCE) judge called its president Roberto Rosario’s proposal to the parties to create an “Informatics Management,” personal and unilateral, in the wake of the flap stemming from the resignation of the previous informatics chief Miguel Angel Garcia.
Eddy Olivares on Thursday said Rosario’s position is an attack on the JCE’s institutionalism and a “Olympic ignorance” of the plenary’s functions.
He said the proposal stokes the misgivings created by the computer center crisis even further, affirming that what Rosario wanted in fact, was to justify Garcia’s resignation before the political parties.
The JCE president made his proposal to the opposition PRD party, the minority parties and some media, but Olivares noted that regardless of its content, the idea of creating an “Informatics Management” acknowledges a crisis that has negatively impacted the entity’s normal function and in his view Rosario has sought to hide.