Local November 23, 2011 | 8:01 am

Opposition presidential candidate sees an end to Electoral court flap

Santo Domingo.- Opposition PRD party presidential candidate Hipólito Mejía Tuesday said there are conditions to solve the deadlock with the Central Electoral Board (JCE) via dialogue this week, in the wake of his demand to replace Franklin Frias as head of the entity’s informatics department.

“That’s headed toward frank recovery; I believe there’ll be a solution this week, that’s what I think. We’re going to wait for a solution. I’m sincerely committed to tell you what I know, wait so there’s a constructive dialogue” Mejia told journalists in the Hotel Jaragua, where he was invited speaker in a luncheon hosted by tthe Dominican-Mexican Chamber of Commerce.

The PRD has also demanded the dismissal of Joel Lantigua as head of the JCE’s elections department, in both cases citing the officials’ "misconduct.".

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