Local December 13, 2011 | 9:06 am

One of the country’s “owners” is charged with stealing RD$107M

Santo Domingo. – The head of bus owners grouped in CONATRA), Antonio Marte was charged Monday with stealing RD$107 million from his associates in the passenger route Expreso 60. Marte is known as one of the country’s “owners,” for the frequent violent strikes staged by CONATRA, with apparent impunity.

According to the fraud and forgery charges filed in the Office of the National District Prosecutor against Marte and Maria Rivera Payano, the money was obtained from the sale of the discarded vehicles property of their partners.

They are both charged with conspiracy and swindle by 35 owners and drivers of 95 buses, whose attorneys have asked that they spend 20 years in prison and the return of their money.

The case stems from 2007, when CONATRA allegedly was the intermediary in the sale of the old buses, via an agreement signed with the government agencies OMSA and the OPRET, and Expreso 60.

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