Local July 2, 2012 | 11:56 am

Opposition party’s ex presidential candidate calls meeting with rival “almost absurd”

Santo Domingo.- The former presidential candidate of Dominican Republic’s biggest opposition party (PRD) today said the possibility of meeting with organization president Miguel Vargas is "almost absurd” and “who meets with this man!”

Hipolito Mejia’s statement came prior to a meeting of the Advisory Committee in the PRD National District offices Monday, where he revealed he sought to meet with Vargas on many occasions during the campaign.

As to Vargas’s statement that he’s willing to pact with president elect Danilo Medina, Mejia said he did the same with president Leonel Fernandez, but affirmed he wouldn’t do so now, and only reach agreements in the open, not in secret. "I don’t do deals with anyone, not in secret not in the open, I’m absolutely clear, as my life and political action have been, I’m not into chicanery, I don’t do that."

He also dismissed Vargas’ challenge as to what the real opposition is, reiterating that, "this is the opposition, this is the PRD."

The meeting began 10:36am with the arrival of Advisory Committee president Emmanuel Esquea and other senior members to the offices in the sector Gazcue.

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