Local August 21, 2012 | 12:57 pm

Charges dropped against ex coronel charged with conspiracy against Haiti’s President

SANTO DOMINGO.- The National District Attorney’s Office dropped the case against retired coronel Pedro Julio Goico (Pepe Goico), who faced prosecution accused of conspiracy to overthrow Haiti president Michel Martelly .

The authorities said the desire expressed by Goico in the wiretapped recording cannot be considered preparatory activities for the alleged putsch.

"The desire of the recording from Goico cannot be considered preparatory acts. Equally considered preparatory are acts are its remoteness, in factual terms, legally protected asset regarding the governance of Haiti, which places him out of the scope of the criminal law. Criminal law punishes acts or omissions that injure a protected asset, it doesn’t punish desires,” states the Office of the District Attorney in affidavit No. 001326, dated April 16.

Former Justice minister Radhames Jimenez had instructed National District prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso to conduct a thorough investigation, on Haiti Justice Ministry’s request for legal cooperation.

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