Local September 27, 2012 | 3:25 pm

Self-pension scandal explodes, opens can of worms

Santo Domingo.- The woes of the self-pensioned ex Banks superintendent Haivanjoe Ng exploded Thursday, when three senators and ruling PLD party colleagues asked president Danilo Medina to revoke it as well as the many granted in a similar manner.

The scandal also opened a can of worms when senator Julio Cesar Valentin revealed that he also could’ve legally retired because he was president of the Chamber of Deputies during three years.

In addition to Valentin, PLD senators Tommy Galan and Charlie Mariotti suggested naming a commission to review the pensions.

Galán said if Ng’s pension is projected in 20 years, and who’s around 50 years old, he would collect RD$156 million, which in his view is more than the top prize in the world’s biggest lottery.

He also called the official’s claim to a one year sabbatical pay illegal, and would cost Dominican taxpayers RD$7.8 million.

The lawmaker accused Ng of amending the regulations to obtain the pension together with another group of his collaborators.

Galán added that although Ng claims that his pension was issued in adherence to the Monetary Board’s statutory law, he was a member of the currency regulator at the time.

For Mariotti, the scandal is Medina’s opportunity to "do what’s never been done and correct what’s wrong" as the campaign slogan read, and by striking the pension, “would espouse glory.”

Valentin said he’s been advocating the country’s pension law’s overhaul for three years, especially in those of the decentralized agencies.

He said it’s inconceivable to fully pension a person under 60 and capable of continuing to work elsewhere.

He cited his own case as an example, noting Congress’ pension rules, which he affirms state that since he had lasted three years as president of the Chamber of Deputies, he could legally retire, but since it wouldn’t be ethical, didn’t do it and never will.

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