Two days after storm churns away, 18,858 Dominicans still not home

Santo Domingo.- Two days after Hurricane Sandy churned away from the country, 18,858 people are still not back home, some 4,000 fewer than on Saturday.
The Emergency Operations Center (COE) yesterday said 4,983 homes were damaged and 71 communities are cut off, mostly in hard hit Azua province (southwest), with 51.
It said however, that Santo Domingo East had the most people in shelters, with 720.
The COE maintains 10 provinces and the National District under flash flood and mudslide alerts.
The Greater Santo Domingo water utility (CAASD) on Sunday said 90% of its aqueducts were operating, while the national utility (Inapa) said 25% (88) of its facilities were out of service.