Local December 26, 2012 | 7:58 am

President tweets Christmas greetings

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina usedhis Twitter account @DaniloMedina to send his greetings to all Dominicans.

He expressed his wish that “we should enjoy afew days of peace and fraternity with moderation. He called for all to make themost of the memorable event of the birth of Jesus to “spend time together withfamily, surrounded by the love of our loved ones.”

He pointed out that the authentic meaning ofChristmas was the “Birth of Jesus, Saviour of Mankind.”

"Let us commemorate the event that bestowsauthentic meaning on Christmas: the birth of Jesus, Redeemer of Humanity. Thismemorable event provides us with the best opportunity to spend time with ourfamilies and surrounded by the love of our dear ones,” stated Medina. “For thisreason, in the name of the Government, and especially in mine, my wife Candy’sand my daughters’, I send best wishes to the Dominican people. Happy Christmas to all ourfamilies.”

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