Local May 2, 2013 | 7:43 am

OAS to help Dominican Republic issue IDs to Haitian immigrants

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Organization of American States (OAS)will support the initiative of the Dominican and Haitian governments to provideID documents to migrant workers from Haiti.

Haitian authorities would use offices of Dominicanagencies to issue an ID card to their nationals, local media report.

Organization of American States (OAS) secretary generalJosé Miguel Insulza announced the support for the initiative in a meeting withDominican Republic Deputy Foreign minister Cesar Dargam in Washingtonyesterday.

He said the measure aims to resolve the situationaffecting both members by the presence of thousands of undocumented Haitians inDominican territory.

Insulza said the OAS will fully support the process,originally designed by Dominican Republic’s Foreign Ministry

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