Local May 6, 2013 | 8:55 am

Heads of rival opposition party factions meet and make up

Santo Domingo.- Former president Hipolito Mejía on Sundaysaid his aides together with those of ruling PRD party president Miguel Vargaswork to participate together in events to mark the death of its historic leaderJose Francisco Peña Gomez, the first indication of thawing relations betweenthe two factions.

Mejia said during his meeting with Vargas on Friday theyagreed to restore relations and conduct a "transparent” dialogue. “We helda meeting on Friday with engineer Miguel Vargas Maldonado; we decided torestore our relationship."

The former PRD presidential candidate added that the onehour meeting-luncheon was at the home of retired general Jose Miguel Soto Jimenez."I’ve always been champion of dialogue, so I think that this meeting maybe the start of a process that will lead to the understanding and unitydemanded by the country and the PRD rank and file."

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