Local May 22, 2013 | 7:40 am

Ex presidents in dead heat for 2016 presidential election: Poll

Santo Domingo. – Former president Leonel Fernandez would edge out opposition (PRD) party leaders Miguel Vargas and Luis Abinader in the 2016 presidential elections, but would be tied with former president Hipolito Mejia.

When the pollster Penn, Schoen & Berland asked eligible voters about the 2016 presidential elections, Fernández beat Vargas by 19 points and Abinader by six, but tied with Mejia.

The majority of women (48%) and of both sexes aged 55 or older (46%) prefer Fernandez. 28 percent said they’d vote for a candidate of another party.

The pollster, quoted by diariolibre.com.do, didn’t provide details of the number of people polled or the date it was conducted.

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