Dominican merchants shutter border market to protest Haiti’s ban

Dajabón, Dominican Republic.- Dajabón merchants kept Haitians from crossing into the Dominican side on Sunday, the day before the market held Mondays and Fridays, as part of the called shutdown on Monday organized by the Merchants Association, to protest the ban on eggs and poultry enacted by Haiti’s government.
Also turned back were trucks from other towns full of merchandise headed to the market held two days a week, and those trying to enter from Haiti as well.
Merchants Association president Freddy Morillo confirmed the called shutdown while a commission of Haitian officials is slated to meet with president Danilo Medina to discuss the standoff.
He said the protest will also affect the other cross-border markets, especially at Elías Piña, Jimani and Pedernales, as the result of the Haiti’s ban he called unjustified, “because there is no bird flu in the country.”