Local January 2, 2014 | 1:19 pm

‘Vatican-Dominican pact helps pedophiles’, priest agrees with review

Santo Domingo.- One of most outspoken Catholic priests onThursday said he agrees with revising the sweeping pact in effect for more thanhalf a century between the Vatican and the Dominican Republic, known as theConcordat, slammed by one of the country’s leading evangelists.

Catholic Youth Ministry Coordinator Luis Rosario said 30years ago his thesis was over the need of an overall review of the Concordat, becausein his view that kind of agreement has to be revised as time passes.

He affirmed that some parts of the pact aren’t being enforced,and as an example cited the ban of divorce, because that has been repealed by locallaws.

Lauds Medina

Speaking at House of the Youth, Rosario lauded presidentDanilo Medina’s attendance at two religious services in various churches, “whichhelps the understand that there should be unity among the people. Times must andshould change."

Agreement criticized

During a religious service on Wednesday leadingevangelist Ezequiel Molina slammed the Concordat, which in his view protects priestsaccused of pedophilia. "Many have south to take these pedophiles to court sothey pay for their sin, for their harm to society and youth, and they might notbe."

“The fact that we’re still adhering to the Concordat isour bad. I don’t understand how is possible to review this type of agreement,which destroys which inhibits, keeping men and women from doing the right thing,"the pastor said, and called it a “rancid” pact and a cruel memory of theTrujillo Tyranny.

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