Local January 8, 2014 | 2:53 pm

In event with detractor, U.S. Ambassador ‘glad with Dominican-Haiti talks’

Santo Domingo.- U.S. ambassador James W. Brewster on Wednesday said he’s glad that Haiti and Dominican Republic have resumed talks to find solutions to shared problems, and will continue to monitor the process.

"We’re here to support the Dominican Government and President (Danilo) Medina’s efforts. So we’re very excited about this new development and look forward to seeing how everything proceeds," the diplomat said.

Brewster spoke with journalists at the National Palace, where personalities greeted Medina to mark the new year, including Catholic cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, who in November slammed Washington for sending an openly gay ambassador to Dominican Republic.

Haiti and Dominican Republic began talks in Ouanaminthe, Haiti on joint problems on Tuesday, but also on trade, immigration and security.

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