Local February 5, 2014 | 7:29 am

Dominican Republic government warns it would “intervene” gas stations

Santo Domingo.- Industry and Commerce minister Jose del Castillo warned Tuesday that the government will “intervene” the gas stations affiliates of the association Anadegas, if they stage another walkout, citing unlawful suspension of a "strategic service."

"Stoppages of strategic sectors such as fuel sales are prohibited by the Constitution and the laws and if the Industry and Commerce Ministry verifies it we won’t have any other option but to intervene to guarantee the supply of hydrocarbons in the marketing chain and for consumers to receive the service as they so every day," he said.

Anadegas’ gas stations staged a shutdown from 6am to 2pm Tuesday, which del Castillo called an abuse by the owners, and invited them to a dialogue with the authorities.

Anadegas warned of another walkout by the middle of next week if the Government fails to meet their demand for negotiations to halt the spiraling gasoline prices.

Anadegas president Emilio Vásquez made the announcement Tuesday noon when they were received by an official at the National Palace, after picketing the Industry and Commerce Ministry.

The station owners also warn against eliminating the differential on temperature which guarantees the correct volume of gasoline at the pumps.

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