Local April 22, 2014 | 5:50 pm

Haitians ‘stomped’ Dominican flag in voodoo dance face charges

Moca, Dominican Republic.- Espaillat province prosecutor Aníbal Carela on Tuesday announced an investigation to identity the Haitians who on Holy Friday stomped on the Dominican flag during a voodoo ritual in San Victor township, near the city of Moca (north).

He said the law stipulates punishment those who violate or revile national symbols.

Last Friday a group of Haitians held a ritual where they flung the flag to the ground and stomped on it, and danced to the rhythm of African origin called ga-ga over it.

Carela said he’ll proceed against the perpetrators "because time’s up for the Haitians want to do with our country what they please, without respecting the laws".

He said once he learned of the "disgraceful act" he proceeded to call San Victor neighborhood leaders to his office to locate the site where the desecration occurred.

He added that once the foreigners behind the desecration are identified he’ll contact Immigration "to bring the individuals responsible to justice and deport those aliens who are legally in the country."

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