Resignation, scathing criticism could signal rift in ruling party

Santo Domingo.- A senior member of Dominican Republic’s ruling PLD party on Friday slammed his organization’s top echelon the Political Committee for in his view increasingly degrading it into a party of the system, "without the dreams needed toward a more just society with solidarity."
Osiris Mota’s criticism comes just 24 hours after the resignation of PLD deputy Minou Tavarez from the party, which loses one of the country’s symbols in its fight against tyranny and repression. Tavarez made similar criticism of the ruling party, and could signal a widening chasm in the organization considered disciplined and unified.
Mota also accused the PLD’s 36-member Political Committed of looking out more for their positions and assets than working for the changes to rid the country of the poverty and misery he affirms most Dominicans suffer.
In a letter to senior leader Alejandrina German, Mota said the political organization is now "a party increasingly divorced from reality."
He demanded “discipline with transparency and democracy" in the PLD.
"The PLD Political Committee should undergo a process of self-criticism, reformulate its vision of a future, abandon the passivity and convenience offered by power and the good life, and cast aside its main effort to look out for their spaces and personal benefits," said the member of the PLD Central Committee.
Mota added that the PLD is called upon to “light the path of progress of all Dominicans, and not just for a group of relatives and close friends of those who form the political Committee."