Local June 3, 2014 | 1:22 pm

Dominican Republic lawmaker: U.S. Envoy promotes homosexuality

Santo Domingo.- Less than 24 hours after the U.S. Embassy announced the celebration of Gay Pride Week headed by U.S. ambassador James (Wally) Brewster, opposition deputy Luisin Jiménez on Tuesday criticized the event he affirms promotes homosexuality in the Dominican Republic, a staunchly catholic nation.

The legislator asked the diplomat for prudency, since in his view the country isn’t culturally prepared for that type of activity.

"When one comes to a country with a different culture you should slowly try to impose yours, because that could be a clash of ideas which wouldnt benefit the country in any manner."

The lawmaker said he respects the sexual preference of every person and noted gay members in his own family, but objected that an Ambassador, who should be an entity of conciliation , becomes an activist and promotes homosexuality.

Jimenez said a “third sex” shouldn’t be accepted since the electoral law would have to be amended and because just as the legislation reserves candidacies for women, it would also have to do so with gays. “No one knows where we’re going to end up as a nation because we’re accustomed to inheriting the culture of other countries.”

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