Dominican Republic Police colonel linked to hired-killers gets bond

San Cristobal, Dominican Republic.- The San Cristobal Instruction Court set bailto release former National Police Lt. Col. Johan Emilio Liriano, linked to an allegednetwork of drug traffickers and hired killers.
The Court set bond at RD$100,000, a travelban and a monthly appearance at the Office of the Prosecutor during theinvestigation into the case that drew national attention.
Liriano, who’s been in pre-trial detentionat Najayo prison during the last nine months, is charged with taking part, with13 other suspects, in the alleged rink headed by the fugitive Solomon EusebioRosario (Piki).
According to police, the group based ineastern La Romana allegedly paid to murder and collect debts from drug traffickingand money laundering.
In November 2013 the Police said it couldprove that Liriano, who held key posts in the National Drugs Control Agency(DNCD), made irregular real estate deals for individuals linked to the killings.
It said a farm owned by Liriano in SanCristóbal was used to hide the now deceased assassins Juan Felix Cordero Febles(Copelin) and Edgar Rafael Rijo Astacio (Maestrico).
The former official is also linked to theforging of Cordero’s signature in a rental contract two days after his death.