Local August 15, 2014 | 11:16 am

Amnesty International: deaths by Dominican cops ‘increase again’, EFE reports

London.- Amnesty International (AI) said Friday the number of deaths at the hands of police in the Dominican Republic has "increased again" in the last six months, EFE reports.

"The legislation intended to fixing the problem is stalled in Congress" of the Dominican Republic, the humanitarian organization said in a statement from its headquarters in London.

Between January and June, 87 people were killed at the hands of the police, according to AI, or 13 percent higher than in the same period last year. "Many of these killings seem to be outside the law.”

“Clearly, the Government must work more intensely to carry out actions to stop these abuses once for all," said Erika Guevara director of AI in the region. "It’s a tragic situation when police, precisely those who must defend citizens’ human rights, commit terrible crimes and threaten public safety in the country."

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