Local August 16, 2014 | 1:05 am

Former president sends message for Restoration’s 151 anniversary

Santo Domingo.- Former president Hipolito Mejia found that the best tribute we can pay to the heroes of the Restoration War is the unity of Dominicans as a way to restore democracy and freedom in the country.

In his message Mejia said: "Today, 151 years later, we must remember that the beginning of the Movement for the Restoration of the Republic, launched on August 16, 1863, produced good fruits due to the coincidence of interests, the vocation of unity and the decision to act together to achieve a common goal: freedom, democracy, self-government, in times when some favored a continuance of the Spanish government, imposed by bad Dominicans who wanted to have the power."

"Today, other bad Dominicans seek to stay in office by hijacking public authorities, so the best tribute we can pay to the giants of the Restoration is to act together like them in order to restore democracy, freedom and the right to live without fear," Mejia urged.

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