Local January 12, 2015 | 12:26 pm

New Dominican Republic, US pact expands extraditable crimes

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic and the United States on Monday renewed the Extradition Treaty drafted to enforce the law more efficiently against various crimes in both countries.

Foreign minister Andrés Navarro and the US ambassador James W. Brewster signed the pact in the Foreign Relations Ministry, where both agreed that on law enforcement, specifically extradition, marks a milestone in Washington-Santo Domingo diplomatic ties.

Navarro said the pact will strengthen relations between the two countries and ratify the commitment to fight organized crime jointly.

Brewster said times have changed and so has crime, for which a modern treaty was a long pending task.

"Once the treaty we sign today takes effect the scope of extraditable offenses will expand, while laying the foundation for clear and contemporary extradition proceedings."

The agreement stipulates that the two countries agree to turn over those accused and wanted for prosecution or to serve out any conviction for "intent, conspiracy or participation in the commission of a crime in whatever degree."

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