Local February 5, 2015 | 2:54 pm

Prosecutor: Santiago judges are soft on electricity thieves

Santo Domingo.- Electrical System Office of the Prosecutor (PGASE) deputy director Ivan Lorenzo on Thursday accused some Santiago District judges of handing down "flexible and accommodating" rulings on electricity theft cases.

The official said PGASE several times requested search and arrest warrants for persons or entities suspected of stealing energy and “certain judges in Santiago have refused, citing unconvincing legal basis.”

He warned the judges that they are violating several articles of the Penal Code which punishes abuse of the judicial authority, when"the judge or court states that, maliciously, or pretext of silence, obscurity or insufficiency of law, refuses to set a trial or provide the motions presented, and persevere in their refusal after injunction," among other alleged irregularities.

Lorenzo, interviewed on Al Punto on Telefuturo, channel 23, added that some of the judges have allowed violators of the Electricity Law to continue committing illegal actions unpunished.

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