Local June 1, 2015 | 8:13 am

Big business calls Dominican Customs chief ‘mendacious’

Santo Domingo.- For the National Business Council (CONEP) the allegation last week by Customs director Fernando Fernández that the Customs bill was sold to that organization, is unacceptable.

It said it’s regrettable that an official of such importance for the country and for the business sector publicly voices such irresponsible, mendacious and defamatory allegations which attack the CONEP’s image and credibility.

In a statement, the CONEP notes that the Executive Branch submitted and the two previous Customs directors promoted the draft for the Customs Act currently in Congress, which it affirms Fernandez seeks to change.

The business group said the Senate has debated the bill for years, along with a multi-sector technical committee with the participation of all public entities, the major business organizations and exporters and importers.

It said the CONEP has traditionally maintained a relationship of respect and harmony with Customs. “We’re greatly surprised with the statements by the official. If the institutional debates on reforms are reduced to these levels democracy loses and the country loses."

It reiterated its support for the creation of a new Customs Act, which in its view “should be a commitment by all to enforce the law, due process and transparency.”

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