Local July 17, 2015 | 1:07 pm

Dominican Republic slams OAS chief on confusing gaffe

Santo Domingo.- The government of the Dominican Republic on Friday voiced a scathing rebuke against the head of the Organization of American States (OAS), which will likely distance it from the Caribbean nation already wary of the regional body.

The country’s Foreign Minister rejected the talks proposed by OAS secretary general Luis Almagro to address the migration situation with its neighbor Haiti, just three days after his gaffe on an interview on CNN that Hispaniola is ‘only one country.’

Foreign minister Andrés Navarro read a document which said Almagro’s recent statements that "there should be only one country on an island has created a disastrous precedent” and hindered the dialogue process proposed by the OAS last week.

In an apparent contradiction Almagro said there’s usually only one country on an island and cited Australia’s case, though in the same statement also notes Hispaniola’s two countries with "distinct social and political realities."

Navarro said Almagro’s position on Dominican-Haitian ties was known even before heading the OAS but still, expected a change in behavior with his current post.

He said Almagro isn’t entitled to dictate policy to any country, adding that his statement disqualifies him to propose the talks which had been slated for Washington next week.

The official read the document at a National Palace press conference accompanied by Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo, Administrative minister Jose Ramon Peralta and Interior and Police minister Jose Ramon Fadul.

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