Local July 23, 2015 | 8:38 am

Haiti’s failure to issue IDs prompts ouster of envoy in Dominican Republic: EFE

Santo Domingo (EFE) .- The Haitian government fired itsambassador in Santo Domingo, Daniel Supplice, for failing to defend his country"appropriately" amid the immigration row with Dominican Republic, Efereports quoting Haiti Foreign Ministry sources.

It said Supplice, who replaced Fritz Cineas late February,"didn’t properly defend his country" in his public statements on the immigrationconflict in emerged once the Dominican Government’s program to registers aliensconcluded.

Cineas, who had been Haiti’s envoy in Dominican Republicduring eight years, had resigned amid criticism by compatriots on allegedslowness to issue documents to immigrants seeking permanent status.

in a recent interview with Haiti outlet Le Nouvelliste Supplicecriticized his government for alleged failure to issue docuemtns through Haiti’sProgram to Issue Identification Documents to Immigrants in Dominican Republic(PIDIH), aimed at making it easier for they to apply for the Dominican program.

a career diplomat Supplice is considered a close collaboratorof Haiti president Michel Martelly. He had been appointed ambassador inDominican Republic in March 2013, but differences between Martely and Haiti’s Senateprevented his taking the post.

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