Local August 10, 2015 | 7:53 am

Dominicans boo NY City mayor in their Parade: AP

New York.- Several localDominican officials on Sunday snubbed New York City mayor Bill de Blasio in theDominican Parade held in Manhattan in reprisal for his call in June to boycottDominican Republic´s tourism for its ´racist´ immigration policy towardsHaitians in that country, AP reports.

Dominican consul inNew York Eduardo Selman, Dominican ambassador to the UN Frank Cortorreal and NYState senator Adriano Espaillat said they didn’t march with De Blasio for hisfailure to apologize to the Dominican government after "offensively" criticizingits immigration rules.

Many of the more than7,500 flag-waving Dominicans participating in New York´s traditional DominicanDay Parade booed the mayor, while back in their country thousands of Haitiansand Dominicans of Haitian descent could face deportation.

"He (De Blasio)has not apologized for the attacks he made, with offensive language," Selmansaid. "It’s a matter of dignity."

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