Local September 4, 2015 | 4:50 pm

US military lauds Dominican people´s openness during aid mission

Santo Domingo.- TheUS Southern Command based in Miami on Thursday lauded the Dominican people´s opennessduring the humanitarian mission by the US hospital ship Comfort, moored in thecountry as part of its ninth annual "Continuing Promise" program,where more than 10,000 people were provided medical attention free of charge.

The humanitarianoperations of the hospital ship of the US Navy Military Sealift Command were carried out intwo sites in the capital, where patients received treatment that includedsurgery and medical consultations.

"In a total of ninemission of the US Comfort have more than 93,000 patients and there have been assistedand over a thousand surgeries performed in countries such as DominicanRepublic, Belize, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Colombiaand Dominica," the military agency said in a statement.

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