Local September 28, 2015 | 2:35 pm

Medina should resign for being a ´liar, inept: Dominican protesters

Santo Domingo.-Although he couldn’t see the protests cordoned off by police in two separatecorners and one block away from the entrance to an Upper Manhattan school, two separategroups of Dominicans picketed president Danilo Medina on Sunday before arrivingat the town hall meeting a 4:40pm, when officers guarding the area kept then atbay on fear of a brawl.

The presidenthowever, was informed of the protest by local leaders of the ruling PLD partyand close collaborators.

“Nationalist MovementsPlatform" directed by community activist Ramfis Baez organized the pickets,demanding more and tougher by Medina against Haitian immigrants in theDominican Republic.

The protesters alsodemanded more effective environmental policies to reduce pollution and a haltto construction of the coal-fired power plants in Baní (south).

One of the picketsunfurled near the school Hermanas Mirabal demanded that Medina resign for in theirview, "inept" and "liar." Another said "Water is worthmore than gold, Loma Miranda national park."

The secondprotest counted with more picketers, who railed against the ConstitutionalCourt´s and the government´s "racist immigration policy," in theheels of deportations of what they consider Dominicans of Haitian descent.

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