Local October 28, 2015 | 12:01 pm

Young business leaders call impunity in corruption ´disturbing´

Santo Domingo.- The associationof young business leaders grouped in the Anje on Tuesday called the currentsituation facing the country “disturbing,” citing the recent cases of corruptionin the courts and their highlyquestionable rulings.

"This currentsituation negatively impacts the business climate in the country, because asevidenced by the Global Competitiveness Index 2015-2016 which puts us inposition 98 of 140 economies, the country has great opportunities to improve inthe indicators such as corruption, public confidence in political and judicialindependence, this being a challenge for a significant advance in ourcompetitiveness as a country," Anje said in a statement.

It said it´simportant for the government to deal with the institutional weaknesses in thearea of ??corruption, “which have affected the social and economic growth ofour nation for years, and limited the development of new business formulas.”

The business leadersadd that the situation has hindered the allocation of funds and their efficientuse. “It is fundamental to human development for the population sensitive coreareas and the conquest of a real social and democratic state of law.”

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