Local November 11, 2015 | 4:19 pm

Peravia bank execs embezzled RD$70.0M+: Air Europa

Santo Domingo.- AirEuropa airline on Wednesday filed a complaint with the National District Officeof the Prosecutor charging the bankrupt Peravia bank´s top executives of embezzlingmore than RD$70.0 million.

The lawsuit accusesbank president José Luis Santoro, Daniel Morales Santoro, Gabriel Jimenez Aray,all three foreigners, and the Dominicans Nelson Serret, Jorge Serret, Carlos Serretand Yesenia Serret Aponte of defrauding the airline.

It alleges that theairline opened an account with a balance of RD$63.0 million, according to a BanksSuperintendence validation dated December 15, 2014.

Air Europa also allegesthat, airline executives Guillermo Pañeda sent a missive to Peravia bank officialLaura Sued on February 5, 2014, requesting the transfer of RD$20.0 million fromtheir account to Citibank New York, but wasn’t carried out.

The complaint says the executivesalso conspired to defraud the airline.

The brothers Nelson,Jorge, Carlos and Yesenia Serret are in custody, whereas Santoro, Morales, and JimenezAray fled the country as soon the scandal broke, which prompted aninternational arrest warrant.

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