Local November 12, 2015 | 8:08 am

Independent lawmaker says Health, Justice ministers must resign

Santo Domingo.- Congressshould investigate the ministers of Justice and of Public Health to explain thescandals of numerous deaths from dengue and in correctional facilities in in recentmonths, including those of at least three inmates at the “portal into hell” jailof Higuey (east).

Democratic Option (OD) partypresidential candidate Minou Tavarez Mirabal voiced the demand on Wednesday, andchallenged president Danilo Medina to fire the ministers of Public Health AltagraciaGuzman and of Justice, Francisco Domínguez.

The independent deputysaid if Medina doesn’t fired them, they should resign because “the state is theguarantor and responsible for ensuring the health of each of its citizens.”

The lawmaker said it´s "unacceptable"that despite that nearly 100 people have died of dengue, Guzman claims it´sonly 78

Tavarez said PublicHealth must review its figures because "it´s unacceptable to disrespect thepopulation with these data."

She said it´s shamefulthat people are dying from preventable diseases in the 21st Century.“When six infants died at Robert Reid (children´s hospital) its director wasreplaced, as well as the health minister."


Interviewed by theCorripio media group, Tavarez said Dominguez mustrespond for the deaths from several diseases in the overcrowded prison at Higuey."That the State is responsible for the integrity of prisoners".

She revealed that inits 2016 budget the government allocated just RD$58 for three hot meals per day,and warned that when someone enters those facilities, “they are going into the faceof hell."

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