Local November 14, 2015 | 12:25 am

Dominican president sends condolences to French people over Paris attacks

Santo Domingo.– President Danilo Medina last night sent a message of condolences to the French people over the terrorist attacks in Paris and strongly condemned the onslaught that claimed the lives of 153 people.

"My condolences and solidarity to the French people for the terrorist attacks tonight. The Dominican government and the people are with you," the president said on his twitter account @DaniloMedina.

Medina also said the attacks in Paris have to be seen as inhumane acts. "DR repudiates and deeply regrets these actions," he pointed out.

Late Friday night president Francois Hollande announced a state of emergency in France and closed the borders to the country. French police said they believed all those involved in the shootings and bombings were dead.

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