Local December 24, 2015 | 7:59 am

Difficulties cannot make Dominicans lose hope: Catholic Church

Santo Domingo.– The Catholic Church said that despite the difficulties experienced in 2015, the Dominican nation cannot lose hope and assured there will come better times for all citizens.

In the latest edition of Dominican Catholic Church’s weekly newspaper Camino, the bishops pointed out that "we have reasons to proclaim that better days will come, and we have the necessary forces to build a new house, to shelter tenderness and share."

The Catholic Church urged its membership and the general population to leave behind sadness, pessimism, frustration and lack of hope, so they can embrace a new life.

It recognized that in the past year many have felt the unbearable burden of neglect and misunderstanding, while others have experienced the loneliness that leads to isolation, where it seems that no door is opened to happiness.

According to the editorial in Camino, the Catholic Church is "aware of the growth of violent acts that are caused by bad Dominicans who have stolen the peace and tranquility of our communities, committing vandalism as never before."

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