Local January 11, 2016 | 8:38 am

Judiciary corruption scandals alarming: Dominican watchdog

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Anticorruption Alliance (ADOCCO) coordinatorJulio Cesar de la Rosa on Sunday called the judiciary´s corruption and impunityscandals alarming and disturbing.

He said it´sinconceivable that Supreme Court chief justice Mariano German will be called asa witness in the case of indicted judge Awilda Reyes, since in his view, it violatesall procedures.

"Mariano Germanwas disqualified since he took the evidence and didn’t turn it over to thePublic Ministry, becoming witness to the events, which ultimately makes him anaccomplice in the case," De la Rosa said, interviewed on Detalle Semanal.

He called on Congressto impeach and demand the resignation of German and of justice minister FranciscoDominguez.

“It´s unfortunate thatthe echelons of justice which shelter citizens from abuses of individuals are thecenters of havens for corruption,” De la Rosa said.

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