Local January 18, 2016 | 12:18 pm

Marking Dominican Virgin´s day, bishop, priests slam the government

New York.- Barahona diocese bishop Andrés N. Romero on Sundayrailed against Dominican Republic´s current woes, during a mass to mark OurLady of La Altagracia day in the St. Patrick’s Cathedral, in Manhattan.

Romero, accompanied byother Dominican bishops and priests, said "many Dominicans are afraid toreturn to their country as a result of the prevailing insecurity and the rise indrugs and crime. We ask the Virgin of Altagracia of Quisqueya to guide thenation, to make it a better country."

Speaking in thepresence of Vice President Margarita Cedeño, general consul Eduardo Selman andover 1,000 Dominicans, the senior prelate said the country´s corruption had reached“unspeakable levels.”

In Santo Domingo

In that regard, LasMercedes Diocese priests Frankely Rodríguez and Kelvin Acevedo demanded bettertreatment for citizens by the government, because “we have a President who’sbeen going up and down the streets of towns and villages while the plantainsare more expensive every day. The country is a disaster and a barbarity.”

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