Local January 26, 2016 | 4:13 pm

VP urges youngsters to follow in footsteps of Founding Farther

San Francisco DM.- Vicepresident Margarita Cedeño on Tuesday headed the official ceremonies tocommemorate the 203rd anniversary of the birth of Founding Father JuanPatricio Pablo Duarte.

The events began with amass in the Santa Ana Cathedral in San Francisco de Macoris, attended byPatriotic Events committee president Juan Daniel Balcácer and Duarte province (central)governor Miledys Nunez, who called on God to protect those who promote the Dominicanheritage left by the patriarch.

In that regard, Cedeñourged youngsters and students to follow in the footsteps and ideals of thefounder of the nationality.

She stressed thatDominicans should not allow the loss of patriotic values, “which are themainstay of sovereignty and of freedom.”

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