Local January 27, 2016 | 9:52 am

Famous ex-con charged with aggravated assault in Puerto Plata

Santo Domingo.-Notorious ex-convict Sobeida Felix was charged with aggravated assault against attorneyIris de los Santos in Puerto Plata on Tuesday.

Felix was taken to the PuertoPlata Office of the Prosecutor and released, but ordered to appear todayWednesday, local media report.

The incident occurredin the law office of Erick Bonifacio, de los Santos´ husband, who said Felix alsoassaulted him after an argument.

Felix opened the "SobeidaFelix Salon and Spa" for women in Puerto Plata after serving time on amoney-laundering conviction in the case of Puerto Rican kingpin Jose DavidFigueroa Agosto, who was her paramour.

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