Local January 28, 2016 | 4:30 pm

Only female candidate dares rivals to do something new: Debate

New York.- Thepresidential candidate of a coalition of minority parties headed by the APD on Thursdayreiterated the need for candidates to elective posts to take a new step inDominican politics and accept forming part of Dominican Republic´s firstpresidential debate in history, leading to the May 15 elections.

Minou Tavarez Mirabalcalled “regretful” the fact that Dominican Republic is the only Latin America nationwhich has never held electoral debates. “This fact underlines the lack ofdemocratic attitudes on the part of those in power."

"Voters areentitled to know the proposals of those who aspire to represent them and knowwhat they their future rulers think on the problems that beset them," Tavarezsaid during her visit to senior members of the Dominican diaspora.

"Those of us whoseek elected posts at all levels especially candidates to the presidency have aduty to respond to citizens´ concerns by subjecting ourselves submitting to thescrutiny of the debate," she said, ensuring her readiness to participatein any open presidential debate.

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