Local February 10, 2016 | 7:53 am

Dominican Republic calls human rights report ‘unacceptable’

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesdaycalled the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH) report on DominicanRepublic’s human rights situation, “unacceptable.”

It said the report was prepared with "inaccuracies,prejudices, obsolete judgments and serious omissions" and lacksrecognition of the country’s significant progress in that area of ??highpriority for president Danilo Medina’s government.

"The Government of the Republic appreciates therecognition that the Commission makes in its report to the Dominican State’sprogress in protecting human rights, but deeply regrets that the document isloaded with outdated information and judgments, unaware of significant changesand from an incomplete and even biased view of reality," the Foreign Ministrysaid in a press release.

It said it’s ia clearly speculative view of the Commission"on the sovereign migration process conducted by the Dominican Republicwhere it is alleged that thousands of people were not eligible for category Bof the Act and, therefore, have been on condition of statelessness."

In a report released Tuesday the Commission asked theDominican Republic to restore citizenship to everyone born in the country mostlyof Haitian descent, affected by the controversial Constitutional Court ruling 168/13.

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