Local February 23, 2016 | 9:29 am

Medina campaign posts: Tycoon, corruption suspects ‘notably absent’

Santo Domingo.- Senator and ruling party (PLD) organizationsecretary Felix Bautista has been "notably absent" in the campaignteams formed last week for president Danilo Medina’s reelection bid.

The reelection bid for the controversial lawmaker from SanJuan province has also yet to materialize.

Tycoon Luis Manuel Bonetti and former public works ministerVictor Diaz Rua -who had faced corruption charges last year- among other closecollaborators of former president Leonel Fernandez have also been left out of Medina’scampaign teams.

Bautista had occupied key roles in previous PLD electioncampaigns both in the capital and the interior, where he was dubbed "theant" for his restlessness over assigned tasks. He was indicted on alleged corruption,but the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

For his reelection bid Medina has thus far announced Fernandezas its general adviser; Francisco Javier García, as campaign manager; RubenJimenez as chief operating officer, and Donald Guerrero, as CFO.

Moreover the directors Hector Olivo in communications;Gonzalo Castillo for graphic propaganda and Danilo Diaz and Franklin Almeyda,as managers, among others.

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