Local March 31, 2016 | 9:28 am

Electoral Board settles 100 challenged candidacies, 40 sent to court

Santo Domingo.- The Central Electoral Board on Wednesdayconcluded the review of 100 cases of challenged candidacies,with as many as 40 referred to the Superior Electoral Court.

Among the major nominations confirmed by the JCE figure FrancinaHungria for deputy mayor of the National District, and Nelson Guillen for mayorof San Cristobal (south).

JCE president Roberto Rosario said the complaints andchallenges filed by some parties over the procedure to register candidates havebeen reviewed since 10am Monday.

He said the JCE’s decisions guarantee the right of every citizenwho in each case showed non-compliance by their party, or misconduct after winningprimaries. “We have guaranteed the respect for the rights acquired in each ofthese conventions.”

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