Local April 8, 2016 | 12:50 pm

Carmen De La Rosa launches candidacy for uptown Assembly seat

New York, NY — Carmen De La Rosa, Chief of Staff to NYCCouncil Member Ydanis Rodriguez, announced her candidacy for the 72nd AssemblyDistrict on Thursday, saying she would be a strong voice in Albany, especiallyin a community lacking in female elected leadership. Carmen De La Rosa, adistrict leader for the 72nd AD and experienced staffer who rose through theoffices of Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell and Council Member YdanisRodriguez, announced that she is ready to fight for the community where she wasraised and is now raising her young daughter, bringing a fresh, progressivevoice to the table uptown.

"This candidacy is about bringing a new, progressivevoice to Albany, strengthening the representation of women in our uptowncommunity and throughout our state," said Carmen De La Rosa,Assembly Candidate for the 72nd Assembly District. "Our communities inWashington Heights, Inwood and Marble Hill face challenges when it comes toaccess to reproductive healthcare, quality schools and affordable housing, butI am ready to take these challenges head on and fight for the neighborhoods Ihave called home my entire life."

Carmen De La Rosa was raised in Inwood, attendingelementary and middle school at St. Jude’s, before going to High School atMother Cabrini on Fort Washington Avenue. She was proudly the first person inher family to attend college, graduating from Fordham University with a degreein Political Science.

She entered government as a Community Liaison to AssemblyMember Daniel O’Donnell, working with the Upper West Side community on issuesof improved senior care, fighting co-locations in local schools and affordablehousing preservation, while learning the functions of a state Assembly office.She then returned to work for her community at the office of Council MemberYdanis Rodriguez, serving as his legislative, policy & budget director,focusing on college affordability and the disparities in enrollment at highereducation institutions for students of color.

In 2014, Carmen was appointed Chief of Staff to CouncilMember Rodriguez, playing an instrumental role in the passage of nearly a dozenbills related to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative, as well assupporting countless neighborhood institutions from senior centers to afterschool programs to social service providers. It was in this role that Carmengained a firm understanding of the true needs of the uptown community and howto address them, through legislative action, smart, progressive budgeting andfierce advocacy.

Carmen now stands prepared to take on Albany to fight forEqual Pay for women, more resources for our grossly underfunded schools and topreserve the affordable housing so treasured in northern Manhattan.

"It is appalling that in 2016, women are paid so muchless for equal work," said Carmen De La Rosa. "I am readyto take this fight to the finish line for the hard working women of WashingtonHeights. I also recognize the plight that so many working families uptown facewhen our schools are underfunded and our affordable housing stock facespressure from rising rents and greedy slumlords. I have worked on these issuesfor years and now I am prepared to lead the way."

"Carmen has long held the distinct ability to bringcommunities together around important issues," said Council MemberYdanis Rodriguez. "I am proud to support her candidacy for thisimportant seat and I know she will be a strong, progressive voice for ourdiverse uptown community. Her experience and wherewithal on issues from publicsafety to improving education and protecting affordable housing make her handsdown the best candidate for this seat. In a neighborhood yearning for youngleadership, she will bring a welcome voice to the table and a fresh perspectiveon ways to advance our community."

"As someone who has worked closely with Carmen,advocating on behalf of residents in Northern Manhattan, I am proud to supporther candidacy for the 72nd Assembly District," said Council Member MarkLevine. "Carmen De La Rosa has been a tremendous asset to the Uptowncommunity and I know she will do an excellent job representing them in theassembly. Her knowledge and advocacy on early childhood education, equal payand access to reproductive health, will be crucial in making strides in theseareas. Our state legislature and our community would each be bolstered byCarmen’s resounding voice."

"Carmen is someone who values and appreciates thepower of cultural education, especially for our Uptown community,"said Mino Lora, Founder of the People’s Theatre Project. "I stronglysupport her candidacy for the assembly and will be actively campaigning for herto bring a fresh voice to Albany. As a young mother, she knows the challengesthat many in our community face in accessing quality early childhood educationprograms, adequate healthcare and sustainable housing, but not only that, sheknows how to address these issues as well."

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