Local April 26, 2016 | 9:28 am

Famous Dominican mom breastfeed pics roil social media

Santo Domingo.- Photos of mothers breastfeeding babiesflooded the social networks in Dominican Republic over weekend, after prominentTV host Laura Castellanos was the target of sharp critique for having posted a picturebreastfeeding her twins.

Women who try to nurse a baby face hurdles in a countrywhere only 4.7% of mothers reach six months of exclusive breastfeeding as theWorld Health Organization recommends, according to Enhogar 2014.

Outlet linstin.com.do reports that among the barriers tobreastfeeding figure a lack of information which “frightens and discourages women.”

National Health Ministry Breastfeeding Committeecoordinator Clavel Sanchez said the agency doesn’t even have its own budget tocomply with the legal requirements which prioritize the best food for a baby.

The uproar came as supporters of Castellanos clashed withdetractors over the photos of her breastfeeding her newborntwins.

One critic says Castellanos went "beyond” socializingthe topic by exposing her breasts."

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