Local May 11, 2016 | 3:55 pm

British Chamber of Commerce to host Dominican Week in the UK

Santo Domingo.- The British Chamber of Commerce of theDominican Republic (BRITCHAM) on Friday announced the fifth edition ofDominican Week in the United Kingdom, June 6 to 10 in London, aimed at boostingtrade and investment ties between the Dominican Republic and the United Kingdom

Trade investment and finance will be promoted and analyzed betweenthe two nations, through meetings, conferences, and business roundtables.

The Dominican mission of business leaders and governmentofficials will be in London to host top level private and public meetings to attractand enhance British investment in the country, as well as increased domestic exportsto the European nation.

"The Dominican Week is now the leading space forDominican investment promotion in the UK. It is truly a unique opportunity fornetworking and achieving the expansion of the business frontiers," said BRITCHAMpresident Jose A. Rodriguez.

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