Local May 13, 2016 | 8:29 am

Three caught trying to hack Electoral Board website: El Caribe

Santo Domingo.- The Jusice Ministry on Thursday arested twopeople in Herrera, Santo Domingo Oeste, allegedly trying to hack the CentralElectoral Board (JCE) website.

Quoting a source, elcaribe.com.do reports that the two men,whose names weren’t revealed, are being questioned at the Justice Ministry’s ElectronicCrimes Dept.

It said they would be charged in the next few hours alongwith a third suspect.

The outlet said several computers and other technologicalequipment were seized from the two detainees. “A source at the CentralElectoral Board confirmed the attempt to hack.”

JCE Information director Franklin Frias last week said the dataon the vote-count from each polling station reaches Board headquartersencrypted, a safety feature he affirms is impossible to hack or decipher itscontent.

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