Local June 8, 2016 | 9:26 am

Boca Chica, first Dominican city to ban all forms of discrimination

Santo Domingo,- Boca Chica, Dominican Republic’s first touristtown, on Tuesday became the first Dominican city to issue an ordinance banningall forms of stigma and discrimination against people with HIV and people withdisabilities, as suggested by the UN Development Program (UNDP).

During a town hall meeting the city council officials approvedthe ordinance that resulted from a four-year process of community training inhuman rights and political negotiation.

Mayor Daniel Ozuna headed the event coordinated by BocaChica Nondiscrimination Board members Adonis Polanco and Sandino Sanchez, and UNDPdeputy resident representative, Luciana Mermet.

According to Ruth Fernandez, HIV Associate of the UNDP, morethan 200 people were trained on human rights and access to health anddisability during the process.

The City Council ordinance will pave the way to create theOffice for Equality, whose function includes receiving and collecting data on localcases and complaints of discrimination against people with HIV and disabilities.

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